
Creating a Publishing Business in Spain

Foreign investors interested in opening a company in Spain in the publishing industry must know the local legislation in this field, which is strongly related with the intellectual property rights, as publishing houses distribute the intellectual work of individual creators. The main body regulating the activity of writers and publishing houses in Spain is Centro Espanol de Derechos Reprograficos (CEDRO), which imposes the legislation applicable to intellectual property rights. Entrepreneurs who want to set up a publishing business in Spain can request for a detailed presentation on the publishing activity from our Spanish company formation agents

Intellectual property law in Spain

According to the Spanish legislationintellectual property refers to literary, artistic or scientific works, which can be provided in a tangible or intangible manner. CEDRO (the Spanish Reproduction Rights Organization) is applying the international legislation for the protection of intellectual property. As such, publishing companies in Spain should know that copyright for a work which is sold through various means provided by the company last for the entire lifetime of the author who has created that specific work; furthermore, the work is protected for a period of 70 years after the death of the author. 

The following video offers a short presentation on how to start a publishing business in Spain:

After this period ends, the work will no longer be protected by intellectual property rights, as it will be included in the public domain, meaning that any person can have access to that particular work without paying a fee; our company formation agents can provide you with further details on the intellectual property law in Spain

Spanish publishing industry

Foreign entrepreneurs who want to open a company in Spain in the field of publishing should know that the industry is showing positive prospects, as it has a total value of approximately EUR 6 billion, employing more than 110,000 natural persons and legal entities. 

This business sector is very competitive, as no publishing house has a monopoly on the local market. 

If you need further information on the publishing business in Spain, please contact our company formation agents, who can assist you on this matter. 

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